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akg640908 Vallotton, Félix 1865-1925. "Des sables au bord de la Loire". (Sandbanks on the Loire), 1923. Oil on canvas, 73 × 100cm. Inv. No. 2456. Zurich, Kunsthaus. Museum: Zürich, Kunsthaus.
alb4100443 The Demonstration (La manifestation). Dimensions: 37.8 cm x 58.2 cm, 23.1 cm x 33.8 cm, 20.3 cm x 32.1 cm. Museum: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. Author: FELIX VALLOTTON.
alb10599196 Coucher de soleil, nuages bleus (Sonnenuntergang, blaue Wolken). Museum: Privatsammlung. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
akg8002057 Felix Vallotton; 1865-1925. "Military cemetery at Châlons-sur-Marne", 1917. Oil on canvas, 54 × 80 cm. Paris, Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine.
akg5316926 Vallotton, Félix; 1865-1925. "Krater bei Souain" (recto), 1917. Öl auf Leinwand, 50 x 60,5 cm. Paris, Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine. Museum: Basel, Kunstmuseum.
akg640867 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "La mare (Honfleur) " (The pond (Honfleur) ), 1909. Oil on canvas, 73 × 100cm. Inv. Nr. G. 1995.33. Museum: Basel, Kunstmuseum.
akg166581 Vallotton, Felix 1865-1925. "Lande bretonne" (Breton heath-land), 1917. Oil on canvas, 73 × 100cm. Lausanne, private collection.
akg166564 Vallotton, Felix 1865-1925. "Paysage sous-bois ensoleille, avec deux femmes et un enfant". ("Wooded landscape in the sun, with two women and a child"). Oil on canvas, 82 × 88cm. Wallisellen, collection of W. and H. Zehnder.
akg4503215 Trouville (Dép.Calvados, Normandie, Frankreich). - "Vue de Trouville, le soir" (Blick auf Trouville, am Abend). - Gemälde, 1910, von Felix Vallotton (1865-1925). Öl auf Leinwand, 42 × 80 cm. Inv.Nr. 1983.114; Neuss, Clemens-Sels-Museum. Museum: Neuss, Clemens-Sels-Museum.
akg3108018 Vallotton, Félix 1865-1925. "Obst und Gemüse", 1914. Öl auf Leinwand, 65,5 x 81,3 cm. Inv.619. Depot de la Fondation Gottfried Keller, Lausanne, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts. Museum: Lausanne, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts.
akg5317953 Vallotton, Félix; 1865-1925. "Beschuss der deutschen Drahtverhaue, Gegend von Bolante", 1917. Öl auf Leinwand, 63,5 x 79 cm. Paris, Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine. Museum: Basel, Kunstmuseum.
akg416256 Vallotton, Felix, 1865-1925, Swiss/French painter. "Yser", 1918. (Sketch of the missing painting "The Yser", on the theme of the World War I). Oil on canvas, 32 × 41 cm. Private collection, Courtesy Art Focus, Zurich, Switzerland.
akg416276 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "La Clairière" (The forest clearing), 1911. Oil on canvas, 81 x 54 cm. Lausanne, Galerie du Chêne.
akg235622 Vallotton, Félix 1865-1925. "The red room", 1898. Tempera on carton, 58.5 × 79.5cm. Lausanne, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts. Museum: Lausanne, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts.
akg371090 Vallotton, Félix 1865-1925. "Jura-Landschaft. Romanel", 1901. Öl auf Pappe, 32 × 49,5 cm. Inv. Nr. SG 1197. Frankfurt a. M., Städelsches Kunstinstit. Museum: Frankfurt am Main, Städelsches Kunstinstitut.
akg418521 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. Swiss-French artist. "L'Art Nouveau", 1895. (Poster for an exhibition in Siegfried Bing's gallery of thesame name in Paris). Lithograph on paper, 62 × 45 cm. Inv. no. 14548. Paris, Musée de la Publicité. Museum: Paris, Musée de la Publicité.
akg2163310 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "Landschaft", 1902. Öl auf Leinwand, 64 × 52 cm. Bern, Schweizerische Volksbank.
akg639571 Vallotton, Félix. French artist, 1865-1925. "Les cinq peintres" (The five artists) 1902/03. Artists of the group Les Nabis: Pierre Bonnard (left), Ker-Xavier Roussel (far right), Edouard Vuillard (left centre), Charles Cottet (right centre) and Vallotton himself (standing). Oil on canvas, 145 × 187 cm. Inv. 749. Museum: Winterthur, Kunstmuseum.
akg416220 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "La plage de Villerville" (Villerville beach), 1902. Oil on card on panel, 33 x 75.2 cm. Bremen, Kunsthalle. Museum: Bremen, Kunsthalle.
akg416222 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "Rochers à Bex" (Rock face near Bex), 1900. Oil on card, 46 x 36 cm. H.Naef bequest. Zurich, Kunsthaus. Museum: Zürich, Kunsthaus.
akg416258 Vallotton, Felix; schweiz. Maler u. Graphiker; Lausanne 28.12.1865 - Paris 29. 12.1925. "Mon portrait" (Selbstbildnis), 1908. Öl auf Leinwand, 55 × 46 cm. Schweiz, Privatbesitz.
akg416223 Dostojewskij, Fjodor Michaijlowitsch russ. Schriftsteller, Moskau 11.11.1821 - St. Petersburg 9.2.1881. "Portrait décoratif de Dostoievski" (Dekoratives Porträt von Dostojewski). Gemälde, 1901, von Félix Vallotton. (1865-1925). Öl auf Leinwand, 78 × 58 cm. Privatbesitz.
akg416197 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "Tu y reviendras, cochon, pisser sur mon mur" (Du wirst es noch bereuen, du Schwein, an meine Wand zu pissen), 1901. Farblithographie, 26,5 × 20 cm. Aus der Serie "Verbrechen und Strafen". Genf, Cabinet des estampes. Museum: Geneva, Cabinet des estampes.
akg1567683 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "Die Seine-Mündung (Seestück) ", 1901. Tempera (Kasein) auf Karton, 23 × 41 cm. Lausanne, Privatsammlung.
alb3500024 Still Life with Flowers, 1925, Oil on canvas, 28 7/8 × 23 3/4 in. (73.3 × 60.3 cm), Paintings, Félix Vallotton (Swiss, Lausanne 1865–1925 Paris).
akg166585 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "Le poker" (The poker players), 1902. Oil on card, 52 x 67.5 cm. Paris, Musée d'Orsay. Museum: Paris, Musee d'Orsay.
akg397816 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "Quai de Seine au sable rouge". (Seine riverbank with a pile of red sand), 1901. Oil on canvas, 46 x 65 cm. Inv. Nr. G 364. Essen, Museum Folkwang. Museum: Essen, Museum Folkwang.
akg386974 Renard, Jules; French author & dramatist; 1864-1910. Works: Poil de Carotte (Carrot hair), 1894. "Le cauchemar" (The Nightmare). Woodcut by Félix Vallotton (1865-1925). From the Paris edition (E.Flammarion). 1902. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale. Museum: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale.
akg386975 Renard, Jules; French author & dramatist; 1864-1910. Works: Poil de Carotte (Carrot hair), 1894. "La révolte" (the revolt). Woodcut by Félix Vallotton (1865-1925). From the Paris edition (E.Flammarion). 1902. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale. Museum: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale.
akg386971 Renard, Jules; French author & dramatist; 1864-1910. Works: Poil de Carotte (Carrot hair), 1894. - "Lettres Choisies" (Selected Letters). Woodcut by Félix Vallotton (1865-1925). From the Paris edition. (E.Flammarion) 1902. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale. Museum: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale.
akg166594 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "Vieulle rue de Nice" (Old street in Nice), 1901. Oil on card, 68 x 53 cm. Max Müller-Mettler-Legat, Saint-Gall, Museum of Art. Museum: Sankt Gallen, Kunstmuseum.
akg166597 Vallotton, Felix 1865-1925. "Au Bois de Boulogne", 1903. Huile sur carton sur bois, 28 × 47 cm. Coll. Josefowitz.
akg235624 Vuillard, Edouard. French artist; 1868-1940. - "Vallottons Salon in La Naz, Romanel", 1900 (Salon in the country house of artist Felix Vallotton in La Naz near Romanel-sur-Lausanne, where Vuillard spent summer 1899). Oil on cardboard, 50.5 × 48 cm. E. von Steiger-Pinson-Legat. Bern, Kunstmuseum. Museum: Bern, Kunstmuseum. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA. Please contact us for additional information.
akg166584 Vallotton, Felix (1865-1925). - "Place Clichy" - (Place Clichy in Paris). Oil on Cardboard, 1901, 43.5 × 57cm. Switzerland, private collection.
akg166553 Mirbeau, Octave; French writer. Trevieres 16.2.1848 - Paris 16.2.1917. "Portrait d'Octave Mirbeau" (portrait of Octav Mirbeau). Painting, 1908, by Felix Vallotton. (1865-1925). Oil on canvas, 61 × 50cm. Lausanne, Donald Paul Vallotton, Galerie du Chene.
akg166583 Vallotton, Felix (1865-1925). "Les chalands, bords de Seine". (Barges on the banks of the Seine). oil on canvas, 43.5 × 57cm, 1901. Private collection.
akg166546 Vallotton, Felix Swiss painter and graphic artist Lausanne 28.12.1865 - Paris 29.12.1925. - "Portrait des parents de l'artiste". (Portrait of the parents of the artist), 1886. Oil on canvas, 102 × 126cm. Depository of Eidg. Gottfried Keller-Stiftung, Lausanne, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts. Museum: Lausanne, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts.
akg166588 Vallotton, Felix; Swiss painter. 1865-1925. "Interieur, table de salle a manger avec bouquet" (Interior: dining room with bouquet of flowers), 1904. Oil on canvas, 67 × 54.5cm. Dübi-Müller-Stiftung, Soleure, Museum of Art. Museum: Solothurn, Kunstmuseum.
akg639634 Vallotton, Félix ; 1865-1925. - "Le cadavre", 1894. Huile sur toile, H. 0,680 ; L. 1,173. Inv. n° MG 3900. Museum: Grenoble, Musée de Grenoble.
akg202537 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "Les ballons" (The Balloons), c. 1897. Oil on canvas, 39 × 57cm. Depot of the Gottfried Keller Foundation, Aarau, Aargauer Kunsthaus. Museum: Aarau, Aargauer Kunsthaus.
akg366106 Godebska, Misia, married name Natanson, Edwards and Sert; (pianist, model for many artists); 1872-1950 (or 1952). "Misia et sa coiffeuse" (Misia and her commode). Painting, 1898, by Felix Vallotton. (1865-1925). Tempera on card, 35 × 27cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION.
alb9882492 Fashionable women window-shopping in short capes and full skirts, Paris, 1895. After a painting by Felix Vallotton. Handcoloured pochoir lithograph by Marcel Bry after Felix Vallotton from Raymonde Sees Le Costume de la Revolution a nos Jours, Editions de la Gazette des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1929.
akg639575 Gertrude Stein, writer Allegheny (Pa.) 3.2.1874 - Paris 27.7.1946. Portrait. Painting, 1907, by Félix Vallotton (1865-1925). Oil on canvas, 100.3 × 81.2 cm. Inv. BMA 1950.300 The Cone Collection, Baltimore, Museum of Art. Museum: Baltimore, Museum of Art.
akg3802049 Vallotton, Félix 1865-1925. "Landschaft in der Provence - Fenster", 1920. Öl auf Leinwand, 81 x 60 cm. Privatsammlung.
akg416180 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "L'anarchiste" (The Anarchist), 1892. (The arrest of an anarchist). Woodcut, 17,1 × 25 cm. Zurich, ETH, Graphische Sammlung. Museum: Zurich, ETH, Graphische Sammlung.
akg416278 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "Digue de Honfleur" (The embankment of Honfleur), 1915. Oil on canvas, 54.5 x 81 cm. Donated by Anne-Marie Loeb, e. Bern, Kunstmuseum. Museum: Bern, Kunstmuseum.
akg166681 Vallotton, Felix 1865-1925. "Canal gelé et pont près de l'Ermitage à Saint-Pétersbourg", 1913. Huile sur toile, 81 × 65 cm. Coll. privée.
akg639610 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "Jambon et tomates" (Still life with ham and tomatoes), 1918. Oil on canvas, 54 × 73cm. Inv. No. 1978/11. Museum: Zürich, Kunsthaus.
akg639598 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "Poivrons rouges" (Red Peppers), 1915. Oil on canvas, 46 × 55cm. Inv. C 80.15. Dübi-Müller Foundation,. Museum: Solothurn, Kunstmuseum.
akg201706 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "Forum romanum", 1913. Oil on canvas, 40 × 64.5cm. Aarau, Aargauer Kunsthaus. Museum: Aarau, Aargauer Kunsthaus.
akg147155 Schumann, Robert; composer; Zwickau. 8.6.1810 - Endenich near Bonn 29.7.1856. "A Schumann". Wood engraving, 1893, by Felix Vallotton (1865-1925). Published in the 1st issue of the Pan, April / May 1895. Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte. Museum: Berlin, Sammlung Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte.
akg415736 Wagner, Richard; German composer, born in Leipzig (Germany), 22.5.1813 - died in Venice (Italy). 13.2.1883. - "A Richard Wagner" (for Richard Wagner). (Portrait). Woodcut, 1891, by Félix Vallotton (1865-1925) after a photograph, 1871, by Franz Hanfstaengl. Bl. 19,6 × 13,8 cm. Zurich, ETH, Graphische Sammlung. Museum: Zurich, ETH, Graphische Sammlung.
akg640890 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "Marée montante, Houlgate" (High tide near Houlgate), 1913. Oil on canvas, 72.5 × 54cm. Inv. No. C 80.13. Dübi-Müller Foundation,. Museum: Solothurn, Kunstmuseum.
akg640903 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "Chemin dans la lande" (Path in a meadow), 1917. Oil on canvas, 60 × 92cm. Inv. No. 2001/13. Bequest Hans Naef,. Museum: Zürich, Kunsthaus.
akg215269 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "Le vieil olivier" (The Old Olive Tree), 1922. Oil on canvas, 72 × 60cm. Geneva, Musée du Petit Palais. Museum: Geneva, Musée du Petit Palais.
akg166570 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "Une bouillotte de fer blanc, des pommes et deux coings" (Still Life with Apples, Quinces and a Metal Jug), 1912. Oil on canvas, 54 × 73cm. Munich, art dealer, 1995.
akg166557 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "Femme nue dormant au bord de l'eau". (nude sleeping by the river bank), 1921. Oil on canvas, 122.5 × 193cm. Strasbourg, Museum of Modern Art. Museum: Straßburg, Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain.
akg166565 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "L'Eure a Pacy-sur-Eure" (The Eure near Pacy-sur-Eure), 1924. Oil on canvas, 54 × 73cm. Private Collection.
akg166579 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "Un champ d'avoines vertes" (Green oat-field), 1912. Oil on canvas, 73 × 100cm. Soleure, Museum of Art. Museum: Solothurn, Kunstmuseum.
akg166569 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "Deux pots de tulipes rouges et jaunes". (Still Life: two pots with yellow and red tulips), 1916. Oil on canvas, 61 × 50cm. Switzerland, privat collection.
akg166676 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "Vue prise au Kremlin le soir" (View of the Kremlin in Moscow), 1913. Oil on canvas, 85.5 × 56.5cm. Basle, Rudolf Staechelin'sche Familienstiftung.
akg166680 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "La Chateau Gaillard et la place des Andelys" (Square in Les Andelys with the Chateau Gaillard), 1924. Oil on canvas, 100 × 73cm. Vernon, Musée Municipal A.G.Poulain. Museum: Vernon, Musée Municipal A. G. Poulain.
akg166679 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "Paysage hautes alpes, glaciers et pics neigeux" (Alpine mountain chain: glaciers and peaks in snow), 1919. Oil on canvas, 73 × 100cm. Loan of the Gottfried Keller Foundation. Zurich, Kunsthaus. Museum: Zürich, Kunsthaus.
akg166678 Vallotton, Felix 1865-1925. "Les mouettes" (The seagulls), 1920. Oil on canvas, 54 × 81cm. Switzerland, Private Collection.
akg166677 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. -"Verdun, tableau de guerre interprete". 1917. Oil on canvas, 114 × 146cm. Paris, Musée de l'Armée. Museum: Paris, Musée de l'Armée.
akg367058 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "Finished reading" (Reclining nude with book), 1924. Oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm. Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts. Museum: Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts.
akg639593 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "Le retour de la mer" (Returned from the sea), 1924. Oil on canvas, 81 × 100cm. Inv. No. 1929-0002. Museum: Geneva, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire.
akg639596 Vallotton, Félix, 1865-1925, French-Swiss painter. 'Le retour de la mer' ('Return from the sea'), 1924. Painting (detail). Oil on canvas, 81 × 100cm. Inv. no. 1929-0002. Geneva, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire. Museum: Geneva, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire.
akg748127 Vallotton, Felix. 1865-1925. "Femme au collier bleu (Woman with blue necklace) ", 1925. Oil on canvas, 79 × 63cm. Gift from the Galerieverein, Friends of the Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur, Kunstmuseum. Museum: Winterthur, Kunstmuseum.
akg416283 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "La Risle près Berville" (Der Fluß Risle bei Berville), 1924. Öl auf Leinwand, 73,5 × 100 cm. Privatbesitz. Winterthur, Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte. Museum: Winterthur, Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte.
akg416282 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "Le vieux phare à Honfleur" (The old lighthouse in Honfleur), 1920. Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm. Sturzenegger Foundation. Schaffhausen, Museum zu Allerheiligen. Museum: Schaffhausen, Museum zu Allerheiligen.
akg641658 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "Andromède enchaînée" (Chained Andromeda), 1925. Oil on canvas, 73 x 91 cm. Inv. no. BA 2001-0027. Museum: Geneva, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire.
akg640821 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "Femme nue tenant un livre" (Female nude reclining holding a book), 1924. Oil on canvas, 115 × 146cm. Inv. No. 2458. Museum: Zürich, Kunsthaus.
akg640822 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "Femme nue tenant un livre" (Reclining nude holding a book), 1924. Oil on canvas, 115 x 146 cm. Inv. no. 2458. Museum: Zürich, Kunsthaus.
akg640907 Vallotton, Félix. 1865-1925. "La Dordogne à Carennac" (The Dordogne near Carennac), 1925. Oil on canvas, 73 × 60cm. Inv. No. 2453. Museum: Zürich, Kunsthaus.
alb9827197 Tea Kettle. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827154 C'est la guerre (It's the war). Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827126 Bords de Seine à Tournedos. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9826826 Narcissus. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827041 Amalie Bühler-Weber. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827082 C'est la guerre (It's the war). Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827308 Pommier, Equemauville. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827353 C'est la guerre (It's the war). Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827386 Baigneuse aux mouettes. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827568 Anemones. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827580 Vue d'Avignon. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9826969 Falaise à Vasouy. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9826918 C'est la guerre (It's the war). Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9826926 C'est la guerre (It's the war). Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827431 C'est la guerre (It's the war). Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827466 Bateaux à quai, Honfleur. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827499 Clouds. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827662 Le Coup de Vent. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb9827770 La Liseuse. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
alb4223163 'Woman in a Black Hat'. France, 1908. Dimensions: 81,3x65 cm. Museum: State Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Author: FELIX VALLOTTON.
alb3707980 Le Poker (Poker). Dated: 1896. Medium: woodcut. Museum: National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. Author: Fèlix Vallotton.
alb4100867 The Question Is, Not Whether... (S'agit pas de savoir...) from Crimes et châtiments, special issue of the journal L'Assiette au beurre (1 March 1902). Dimensions: 32.3 cm x 24 cm, 27 cm x 20 cm. Museum: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. Author: FELIX VALLOTTON.
alb9643111 L'Émoi. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.
akg7983356 Vallotton, Félix; 1865-1925, Swiss painter. "Femme nue couchée aux cartes bleues" (Reclining nude with blue playing cards), 1914. Oil on canvas, 97 x 130.5 cm. Wuppertal, Von der Heydt-Museum. Museum: Wuppertal, Von der Heydt-Museum.
alb4498542 The Lie (Le Mensonge). Museum: BALTIMORE MUSEUM OF ART. Author: Félix Edouard Vallotton.

Total de Resultados: 505

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